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Redbeanbun • 1 year ago

I suggest you try another one if you haven't already🤩:

LegoOnTheGroundYouMissed • 1 year ago

Another spam bot report. Users beware if you copy and paste that malicious link you will regret it

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

I feel bad for Jinguuji. She ended up being a stepping stone for Eve to progress while her own dream is in shambles. T^T

Feels to me like there might be more going on between her and the coach than a student-teacher relationship though…

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Yeah that hug seems kinda sus lol

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

The coach is sus

Nonono • 1 year ago

well he called himself a monster right after that hug

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

Let's vote him out lol

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Getting the same feeling as you and I also do feel bad for her and that coach is a douche.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Y'know that's been my problem with this show. I WANT to feel bad for her, considering she's been used so Eve can advance, but here's the thing, IDC. I've hardly found myself rooting for anyone, and our two leads, Eve and Aoi, I found myself not caring for them OR their forced relationship.

Doesn't help you got a talented voice cast just wasted here.

MegaRyuki • 1 year ago

I mean why feel bad for her, her sad backstory was introduced this episode and we were presented to her ony last week, she is marginally better than the unnamed soldier who got a face shot and a scream who died to the gundam, she's no one

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

And then that she, someone who's practiced and played golf for YEARS to get to where she's at now, gets her butt handed to her by a brute who just hits a ball with no real strategy, skill, nor precision, much like everyone else. Like the way Eve plays, I expect Bowser to do in Mario Golf.
Either A: Jinguji, along with everyone else, got nerfed, and in some cases, over or underestimated Eve, B: The matches have been set up in a way that allows Eve to win, AKA bad writing, C: Eve's a lucky son of a b****, or D: all of the above.

MegaRyuki • 1 year ago

Eve's a brute yeah but she trained for years with char so she nows how to pilot a gundam ,i mean she knows how to play, that dude teached her to be a brute, she has the skills and techniques, and said girl who got her butt handed to her decided to quit on her own because of a MASSIVE inferiority complex and impostor syndrome, golfers elbow is far from being a carreer-ending injury, she's freaking rich enroll in that school and own her own personalized equipment, 6 months of physical teraphy + medicine and exercises and she's new to go

Eve has nothing to do with her quitting, it was just an excuse for the "ugly ducking" to swan away

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Yeah the story plot is all over the place but it's still a better original than some of the others this season, although some originals this season which a another I know is good and undervalued even though I gave it a mid score.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Is it Archie? Is it really? Maybe slightly better than Gunjou no Fanfare, and leagues better than Cloverworks' Tokyo 24-ku from last season, but Healer Girl is easily the best original anime this season.
And as far as anime this season, while I wouldn't call this as bad as Demon Lord is Reborn, this show ain't exactly a winner. I'm not gonna make excuses just because this ain't as bad as other anime.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Yes Healer is best original this season while I have to put it this is at least a number 3 spot but yeah this could be better if it wasn't for the make shift relationship of Eve and Aoi, than going from dangerous excitement with mafia and went just sol out of the blue after a death flag in the mid-way point

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

It's as if this show doesn't know what the f**** it wants to be. It's as if the people behind this anime have never played golf, and if they DID, it's through a Wii remote.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Or playing though VR Goggles system.

Brabo Reader • 1 year ago

I don't know why you exaggerate the state of the show as "doesn't know what it wants to be" and "all over the place" while trying to sound intelligent when all you've done is show that you can't grasp a basic concept as arcs in a story. The first arc is just about Eve's background and how she went from shady underground gambling golf to a proper professional golf just like how Leo wanted her to be. Although the current arc is cliche, it just continues on what the previous arc established by having Eve go through this school and on to the pro scene. How is this "all over the place"? Sounds like you've watched too many seasonal shows that you confuse yourself with such a basic story.

Monkey D. Luna • 1 year ago

yeah, I can perfectly understand what this show wants to be... it wants to be a badass anime about golf... full of guts... and girls... I like it.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. Does it matter what seasonal anime I watched or how many? I don't see how that's relevant, let's not put words in my mouth or avoid the topic at hand.

I get what the first arc is going for, but what I DON'T get it is why am I rooting for Eve? Who is Eve, why does she play golf, what are her goals and motivations?
When I said the show "doesn't know what it wants to be", I meant that this anime doesn't know whether to go for realism or be something akin to Mario Golf. The show juggles so many stories at once, from Aoi and Eve, the mafia, Eve trying to win her freedom, Aoi wanting to play golf with Eve, the mysterious guy who trained Eve and Rose, etc. To add insult to injury, the plot is just SK8 the Infinity with golf and mid-tier waifus.
And by "all over the place", like I said, this show juggles so many things at once, and then the tone. IDK how to respond, let alone feel, if IMMEDIATELY after Rose gets gunned down, the show cuts to Eve wanting free drinks on the plane. Or how in one episode, when some rando gets his car blown up, we cut to Catherine naked, recieving a massage.
Or that golf match where winner takes all as Eve's trying to save her skin, and you got Vipere unziping her suit, showing off her clevage and letting out an aroma, and in that same episode, we see Shinjou and Aoi's mom talking, and then we see Aoi in the bath with a closeup of her foot.

MegaRyuki • 1 year ago

1 This anime was NEVER about realism, come first episode and we got a edgy teenager with a attitude using skimpy clothes whose shots in golf glow with the colors of the rainbow, in ep 1 itself golfers where dissing the anime for its unrealism, if you watched till now expecting realism something is wrong with you

2 you are not supposed to root for eve, she's the badass action female character who never loses a fight while still being sexy, she's a fierce lioness and totally unhinged, thats all that she is, you are supposed to embrace the sillyness and shrug it off

3 the mafia plotline ended for weeks already and it was neatly closed, the repercussions dont matter, the girls left behind dont matter, if they were to be killed by the mafia or not its irrelevant, those would be real life worries, here a girl can hit a ball so hard it glows

4 the plot is and always all about eve playing golf then recognizing a rival and wanting to beat that rival ignoring everything around her to try and do it

Captain trips • 1 year ago

This man truly understands golf

Brabo Reader • 1 year ago

Eve is your typical shounen "I want to beat stronger foes" MC who wants to make it as a professional in a sport that is predominantly played by rich people despite her poor upbringing. Aoi is just the typical rival that motivates Eve to get there. It's not that hard to understand man.
Why did you think this show has realism when it has RNG shape shifting golf courses, cybernetic prosthetics and golf powers?
The immediate cuts between Eve and Rose was to show contrast between the two students of Leo. One chose to continue the dark road while the other opted to fight for a brighter future. The vision Rose had before she was shot is also a glimpse of what she could've been had she followed Leo's advice.
Did you even listen to what Aoi's mum was talking about? She specifically said she didn't want mafia golfers interacting with Aoi and that their paths should never meet. The Vipere aroma scene beside Aoi in the bath and her mum talking on the phone is another contrast for Eve's dilemma of underground golf/professional golf.
Seems like you have tunnel-vision and just take things at face value. Yes, consuming too much seasonal anime is detriment to your judgement because once you start treating it like a collect-athon to put on your MAL, are you actually paying attention and understanding the elements of the show (i.e. themes, directing, script and music) or are you just glossing it over just so you can get to the next episode of the next show? It is really evident from your evaluation of this show which one it is.

TsubakaBaka • 1 year ago

How is their relationship forced?

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

Probably something to do with the fact we've not only barely seen them onscreen together, but until recently, we've also BARELY seen Aoi to warrant caring for her OR their relationship/desire to play golf together.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 1 year ago

That much is clear.

BniX • 1 year ago

I just noticed, Every W this blonde gets is because the characters WHO are supposed to be super OP are getting nerfed. Specially with arms.. What's with the arms bruh

Captain trips • 1 year ago

Coach's fapping arm explodes when?

TsubakaBaka • 1 year ago

Not really

Lucyw18 • 1 year ago

wait he is a teacher i thought he was like a senpai ^^'

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

She probably play golf with his golf stick and two balls.

Anime & Rutabagas • 1 year ago

Can't have a training montage without banger training montage music lol

STAX • 1 year ago

Gotta have a Montage.

vovan1 • 1 year ago

"Always fade out in a montage"

Zukitung • 1 year ago

I believe that emotional wreck also brought in the hype on that banger(before and after). Well after making you weep, they(director) just have to lift our hearts again, move forward and get back on track. AMAZING! wacha ma call it? Animatography?, narrative.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Aoi can't handle 48 inches very well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

wwlaos • 1 year ago

Her 48-incher is crying.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

with enough practice aoi could take a 69 incher like her mom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Well to be fair, 48inches isnt even possible because a real person would die. Avg person 5'5 equivalent to 65in and you are trying to stick 48/65 inches in. UNLESS they have stretchy anatomy like my fav artist John K Peta.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

john k peta is a god

Monkey D. Luna • 1 year ago

How true. I kneel down and pray to him every night.

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

same my dude

vovan1 • 1 year ago

yeah but he went rogue path and now is drawing only fat bitches

Monkey D. Luna • 1 year ago

I haven't checked his work recently. Are you sure they are fat and not just thicc? O_o

vovan1 • 1 year ago

maybe, but it just don't get me excited like with earlier releases

Divine demon GOD Aris • 1 year ago

All I need are big tiddies to fappp

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

That is true. Ofc in record some human guys by whatever miracle ( not including the use of steroids or what not,) has a legnth past the 12 inch mark. Also YouTube as one guy with one of the largest by worlds record that he was interviewed.

lipeeefl • 1 year ago

bruh that isn't even lewd. 48 inches is basically 4 feet. which is more than a meter.

wwlaos • 1 year ago

"Which is more than a meter." So is any self-respecting tentacle. :P

Amano erika. • 1 year ago

Aoi can't wait to use her 48-inch rod on Eve for a full round.

Jinguuji, after training montage: "Are you sure you want to use your typical strategy?"

Typical protagonist: "No, I'll use what I learned from you to rise above."

Evangeline F. Kimishima: "You bet your sweet ass I am!"